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17 publicaties gevonden

  • een verkenning van sport en nationalisme in Ierland

    This thesis is the outcome of research done in Ireland on the topic of the Irish sport ‘Hurling’ and the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA). The GAA is responsible for, among…

  • a strategic investigation into a disruptive new segment

    This report’s primary purpose is to assist the reader in understanding ‘why’ low-cost gyms are gaining popularity in the UK and provide a summary of the leading operators. Several of…

  • the impact of cross-community sport projects on the protestant and catholic communities in Belfast

    This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the bonding effects of sport, which will be done by using the concept of social capital. For the case of Northern Ireland…

  • de rol van hurling in identiteitsvorming en het ontwikkelen van gemeenschapsgevoel

    In deze thesis richten de onderzoekers zich op de relatie tussen hurling, een Ierse Gaelic sport, identiteitsvorming en gemeenschapsgevoel. Hierbij maken zij onderscheid tussen lokale en nationale identiteit. Concepten die…

  • taking up and dropping out of sport and exercise in Ireland

    This report provides evidence for policy from three large, nationally representative surveys. The analysis focuses on how and why people take up and drop out from sport and recreational exercise,…
