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101 publicaties gevonden

  • health and social work

    To show how realist evaluation has the potential to change practice, the author provides in-depth examples of evaluation in adult rehabilitation, drug-using communities, users of family centres and an NSPCC…

  • Gender equality is one of the founding democratic principles of the EU. However, recent studies of the Federation of Olympic Sports in Europe have shown that women occupy only fourteen…

  • Tijdschrift met verzameling artikelen op het gebied van sportsociologie en -wetenschap.

    Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • how little things can make a big difference

    ‘The Tipping Point’ is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start…

  • a case study on socialisation into sports and exercise (INTERN)

    According to Bourdieu, habitus is an important, and class-specific, foundation for behaviour. However, he hardly explained how the habitus is acquired. Based on Bernstein’s elaboration on the various contexts in…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • freizeit- und tourismusstudien, band 2

    Immer mehr Menschen wachsen in eine Zeit hinein, in der das Leben genauso start von der Freizeit wie von der Arbeit geprägt sein wird. Sie müssen lernen, sich rechtzeitig darauf…
