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256 publicaties gevonden

  • In de laatste week van april worden de Europese Kampioenschappen Turnen gehouden in Amsterdam. De gemeente Amsterdam en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Gymnastiek Unie (KNGU) grijpen dit topsportevenement aan om gymnastiek…

    Artikel in vaktijdschrift
  • a quantitative analysis of the impact of mega sport events on tourist number

    This research paper measures the impact factor of Mega Sport Event (MSE’s) on the inward tourist flows of the hosting country. The theoretical background of MSE’s are discussed, including reasons…

  • rapportage Adviescommissie European Games 2019

    De Adviescommissie European Games 2019 is ingesteld door het bestuur van NOC*NSF. De aanleiding is gelegen in het intrekken van de kandidatuur c.q. de organisatie van de Europese Spelen 2019…

  • the economic gamble behind hosting the Olympics and the World Cup

    How did both the Olympics and the World Cup evolve from modest sporting events to exhibits of excess? Andrew Zimbalist traces the path – from the first modern Olympics in…

  • position paper

    Sport events are appreciated as important sources of inspiration and positive energy. Yet, for a growing number of people, the negative aspects of sport events have come to cast a shadow…

  • management summary, factsheet 2016/2

    This factsheet contains the management summary of a report on ‘Integrity & sport events’ to be published by the end of March 2016. The report was commissioned by the Dutch…

  • sport

    Sport is a global phenomenon engaging billions of people and generating annual revenues of more than US$145 billion. Problems in the governance of sports organisations, the fixing of matches and…

  • final report

    In 2014 was Den Haag even hockeyhoofdstad van de wereld. Daar vond van 31 mei tot en met 15 juni de Rabobank Hockey World Cup plaats. In totaal streden 24…
