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Physical activity and risk of neurodegenerative disease (2009)

a systematic review of prospective evidence

Auteur(s): M. Hamer, Y. Chida

Background. The association between physical activity and risk of neurodegenerative diseases is not well established. We therefore aimed to quantify this association using meta-analytical techniques. Conclusions. Our results suggest that physical activity is inversely associated with risk of dementia. Future studies should examine the optimal dose of physical activity to induce protection, which presently remains unclear.

Literatuurverwijzing: Hamer, M., & Chida, Y. (2009). Physical activity and risk of neurodegenerative disease: a systematic review of prospective evidence. Psychological Medicine 39 (pp. 3-11)

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Organisatie Plaatsingskenmerk Status
Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen MAP-TS-19-A26 Beschikbaar

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