the unauthorized story of Nike and the men who played there
This is the first book about Nike. It is also the first major book to describe life inside the volatile, giant athletic shoe and clothing industry. Though Nike stock is now traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the company has historically been an intensely private one. In these pages, the authors expose Nike to public view for the first time. Nike was shaped by the personalities of the men who built it, many of them outrageous characters. In the end, this is a story about those men, about how they birthed and raised and revitalized a brand, and how they wrote the rules for a whole new industry.
Literatuurverwijzing: Strasser, J.B., & Becklund, L. (1993). Swoosh: the unauthorized story of Nike and the men who played there. New York: HarperBusiness.
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Mulier Instituut | ORGA-0047 | Beschikbaar |
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