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Beyond marriage (2010)

women's economic independence and separation in comparative perspective

Auteur(s): Maike van Damme

This book combines economic, sociological, and social policy explanations for the economic consequences of divorce and separation for women. It uses several rich cross national comparative data sets to compare the impact of separation in various European countries. The author concludes that separated women have better labour market prospects in more gender egalitarian countries than in traditional societies. Explanations for this finding can be found in women’s economic independence during the union, generous sociale safety nets, employment encouraging policies, and norms favouring an equal division of labour within the household.

Literatuurverwijzing: Damme, M. van (2010). Beyond marriage: women's economic independence and separation in comparative perspective. Tilburg: Tilburg University.

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Organisatie Plaatsingskenmerk Status
Mulier instituut GEND-0013 Beschikbaar

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