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Bringing network governance into the field of violence and integrity in sports (2020)

Article online published on April 29, 2020 in the Journal of Public Administration and Governance. 

Abstract: to date, the knowledge base on the topic of violence and integrity in sports is limited. The few researchers have predominantly been working in silos, and, consequently, initial studies have examined this issue with a singular discipline approach.

Violence in sport is a multifaceted issue that has physical, psychological, social and organizational consequences. The fragmentation of the research efforts in this area thus far has limited the possibility of formulating a clear, collaborative and international agenda for future research.

In this article, the authors aim to build on previous research, but also borrow insights from public administration, to pave the way for new studies that look from a governance perspective at policy strategies for the prevention of interpersonal violence against young athletes in sports.

Particularly, they aim, in line with the Dutch policy development, to discuss the value of local networks, and its challenges, as vehicles of collaboration and prevention.

Literatuurverwijzing: Stevens, V., & Vertommen, T. (2020). Bringing network governance into the field of violence and integrity in sports. Journal of Public Administration and Governance 10 (pp. 93-107)
