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Effects of vibration exercise on neuromuscular rehabilitation and conditioning (2016)

Auteur(s): Lin Xu

In this thesis, they investigate the effects of VE on neuromuscular conditioning and rehabilitation. The objective of this study is to contribute to the technical basis as well as the physiological understanding which is required to introduce VE into practical applications. To this end, a force-modulated VE system is first realized, which can generate a baseline force with superimposed sinusoidal force modulation. Different from existing vibration devices, their system provides full force control, and vibration consists of a sinusoidal force modulation applied to the muscle. Furthermore, the training parameters, such as vibration amplitude, frequency, and baseline force, can independently be adjusted, enabling the execution of various training prescriptions.

Literatuurverwijzing: Xu, L. (2016). Effects of vibration exercise on neuromuscular rehabilitation and conditioning. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
