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Motionslobere i Danmark (2012)

portaet af danske motionslobere

Auteur(s): Peter Forsberg

Running is the biggest recreational sport in Denmark among adults (16+ years), and the number of people doing running as a recreational activity has boomed. In 2007, one out of four Danes ran on a regular basis. But so far, only 7 percent of those were practicing running in clubs. In 2011, the Danish Institute for Sport Studies (Idan) conducted a study on recreational runners on behalf of the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark and the Danish Athletic Federation. The study seeks to find motives behind and barriers to recreational running with the intention of raising the percentage of organised club members. The study was based on a survey conducted among 4,052 runners supplemented with individual and focus group interviews.

Literatuurverwijzing: Forsberg, P. (2012). Motionslobere i Danmark: portaet af danske motionslobere. Kobenhavn: Idraettens Analyseinstitut.

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Mulier instituut PARTINT-TB-0001 Beschikbaar

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