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Running across Europe (2015)

the rise and size of one of the largest sport markets

Over the past 40 years, running has developed into one of the most popular leisuretime physical activities in Europe. An estimated 50 million Europeans are engaged in running as a way to stay healthy and/or to challenge themselves. As a result, all over Europe running events are booming and more people have run a marathon than was the case ever before. The running market is currently estimated at some 10 million euros. This book explores the rise and size of running as a societal phenomenon. With data from 11 European countries, contributors address issues of participation and cost which have never been explored before. Drawing on this material, policy challenges and marketing possibilities are highlighted in order to make better use of the current opportunities of running.

Literatuurverwijzing: Scheerder, J., & Breedveld, K. (2015). Running across Europe: the rise and size of one of the largest sport markets. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Mulier instituut PARTINT-0023-1 Beschikbaar
Mulier instituut BIEB-B153 Wordt niet uitgeleend

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