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Sydney Olympic Park Authority (2004)

2003-2008 corporate plan summary

Sydney Olympic Park Authority is creating a dynamic new town in the geographical heart of Sydney. They have named this place Sydney Olympic Park. The Sydney Olympic Park Authority 2003-2008 Corporate Plan incorporates eleven key business objectives. Each business objective is supported by a set of strategies that define how the Authority will set about establishing a township and a ‘smart community’ at Sydney Olympic Park. The Authority’s growth plans for Sydney Olympic Park are founded on an economic development strategy comprising six core themes: Sport; Education, Science and Technology; Health, Leisure and Wellbeing; Culture, Arts, Food and Entertainment; Sustainability.

Literatuurverwijzing: Sydney Olympic Park Authority (2004). Sydney Olympic Park Authority: 2003-2008 corporate plan summary. Sydney: Sydney Olympic Park Authority.

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Organisatie Plaatsingskenmerk Status
Mulier instituut SPEVE-TB-0002 Beschikbaar

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