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The value of sport (z.j.)

main report

This report presents the findings of research commissioned by Sport NZ and undertaken by Angus and Associates over three stages to understand the value of sport and active recreation in New Zealand:

  1. A literature review
  2. In-depth qualitative research with 42 New Zealanders and more than 60 other sport and recreation sector stakeholders
  3. Quantitative research involving a representative sample of the general public (1516), 346 people working in the sport and recreation sector, representatives of 121 organisations operating in the sector and 178 other organisations (some of our largest corporates and many small and medium enterprises).

Further evidence from additional Sport NZ research, insights and evaluation have then been added where relevant. The findings are therefore based on a mix of evidence and perceptions that individuals, communities and the nation benefit from participation in sport and active recreation.

Also read:

Literatuurverwijzing: The value of sport: main report. Sport New Zealand.
