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Top 10 reasons why children find physical activity to be fun

Auteur(s): Christine Hopple

“Fun” is considered, from both research and practical knowledge, to be a critical factor in children’s decision to participate (or not) in physical activity (PA). Despite its importance, few studies have provided in-depth investigations into what children really mean when they say an activity is fun. The purpose of this article is to share, in a practical manner, the “top ten” reasons why a select group of children found PA to be fun, as well as implications of these for professionals who work with children in activity settings. Interviews, a survey and children’s drawings were used to determine what fourth, fifth, and sixth graders found to be fun (and not fun) about PA, and it is hoped that findings and implications will assist professionals in their goal to increase children’s enjoyment of PA. Key findings point to the important role of competence and learning, interactions with family members and adults, and positive feelings gained through movement situations as contributing factors to children’s enjoyment of PA.

Literatuurverwijzing: Hopple, C.J. (2018). Top 10 reasons why children find physical activity to be fun. Strategies: a journal for physical and sport educators 31 (pp. 40-47)

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Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen MAP-TS-18-A18 Beschikbaar

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  • Jaar:
  • Uitgever(s):
  • Mediumsoort:
    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Tijdschrift:
    Strategies: a journal for physical and sport educators
  • Trefwoord(en):