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Ways towards achieving the sustainable development of sport (1998)

position of the working group on sport and the environment at the environment ministry

Organisatie(s): Bundesumweltministerium

Sport can make its own important contribution towards bringing about the model of sustainable development and thus to the implementation of Agenda 21 in Germany. To achieve this, sports organisations and others involved in sport must discuss this model intensively and anchor it firmly in their work. Rising numbers of users and the greater and more intense use of nature and resources have increased the damage to nature and the environment by sport. However, the range of strategies and measures for avoiding and resolving conflicts between sport and nature conservation and environmental protection is broader than often recognised.

Literatuurverwijzing: Bundesumweltministerium (1998). Ways towards achieving the sustainable development of sport: position of the working group on sport and the environment at the environment ministry. Berlin: Bundesumweltministerium.

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Mulier instituut RUIM-TB-0015 Beschikbaar

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