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71 publicaties gevonden

  • een studie naar de relatie tussen sportdeelname en welzijn en de rol van motivationeel klimaat bij peuters en kleuters

    Om overgewicht tegen te gaan wordt op steeds jongere leeftijd geprobeerd om kinderen meer te laten sporten. Er is echter weinig bekend over de relatie tussen sport en het welzijn…

  • Dit artikel gaat in op de overbescherming van ouders, kinderopvang en onderwijs en de gevolgen hiervan voor kinderen met betrekking tot de (motorische) ontwikkeling en angststoornissen.

    Artikel in vaktijdschrift
  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 1, early movers, an introduction to the guide

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…

  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 2, introduction to physical activity in the early years

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…

  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 3, planning and organisation for early years managers

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…

  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 4, getting the best from your environment

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…

  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 5, practical ideas for physically active play

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…

  • helping under-5s live active & healthy lives, 6, getting children involved

    This guide contains seven booklets for early years practitioners to help plan, organise and deliver physical activity with the under 5s. This guide helps early years settings build on existing…
