De Kennisbank Sport & Bewegen bevat ruim 21.000 publicaties. Niet alleen over sport en bewegen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook over leefstijl en gezondheid. Deze Kennisbank biedt een overzicht van onderzoek, beleid en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Het gaat daarbij om sport als doel en sport als middel om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken.
39 publicaties gevonden
a meta-analysis
Dit is een meta-analyse van studies die zowel dagelijkse zittijd als sterfte in de loop van de tijd gemeten hebben. De conclusies zijn dat een langere dagelijkse zittijd gekoppeld is…
a qualitative analysis of the Stand@Work study
Background: Prolonged sitting time has been identified as a health risk factor. Sit-stand workstations allow desk workers to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the working day, but not much…
a comparison of 32 Eurobarometer-participating countries
Deze studie brengt het zitgedrag van volwassenen uit 32 Europese landen in kaart, vergelijkt de informatie van de landen en koppelt ze aan mogelijke voorspellers van zitgedrag, zoals hoeveelheid beweging…
a 20-country comparison using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
Median sitting time varied widely across countries. Assessing sitting time is an important new area for preventive medicine, in addition to assessing physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Population surveys that…
a systematic review of the literature 2003-2010
Internationally, mass media campaigns to promote regular moderate-intensity physical activity have increased recently. Evidence of mass media campaign effectiveness exists in other health areas, however the evidence for physical activity…
Mass media campaigns are an important first step in raising awareness about physical activity and health in the general community. The US Surgeon General in 1996 released a report outlining…
the future challenges for physical activity promotion in Canada
This commentary is the concluding piece of a series of papers about the Canadian ParticipACTION initiative. It describes the resurgence of the new ParticipACTION as a national communications initiative in…
a mass media campaign targeting parents of inactive children; knowledge, saliency, and trialing behaviours
In late 2007, Canada’s ParticipACTION national physical activity mass media campaign was re-launched, with an initial campaign targeting parents of elementary school-aged children. The campaign informed them about the risks…
baseline assessment of the capacity available to the 'New ParticipACTION', a qualitative study of Canadian organizations
Evaluation of the original ParticipACTION campaign effects focused on individual awareness, recall, and understanding. Less studied has been the impact such campaigns have had on the broader organizational capacity to…
baseline assessment of the 'new ParticipACTION', a quantitative survey of Canadian organizational awareness and capacity
ParticipACTION is a Canadian physical activity (PA) communications and social marketing organization that was relaunched in 2007 after a six-year hiatus. This study assesses the baseline awareness and capacity of…