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4 publicaties gevonden

  • thriving on change

    Today, technology is accelerating change in all stations of our lives. Some life prolonging and others life threatening – such as the destruction of our environment. The complexity of the…

  • In the Twentieth Century, leisure has emerged as a critical issue in people’s lives. Increased material standards of living, better health, increased levels of education, a declining percentage of life…

  • historical and philosophical perspectives

    Deze publicatie volgt het spoor van de ontwikkelingen in vrije tijd en vrijetijdsbesteding vanaf het begin van de Westerse wereld tot heden met als doel inzicht te verkrijgen in hoe…

  • an exploration

    This book is about leisure. The attempt here will be to do three things: (1) provide an elementary base of information about leisure from a historical, behavioral, and philosophical perspective;…
