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  • in social thought

    This book examines all of the major traditions of social thought and shows clearly their influence in our understanding of sport and leisure. The book deals with social thoughts including…

  • zones of prestige, emulation and resistance

    Sport has changed. Traditions and territorial distinctions are dissolving as a result of new global, political, economic and cultural conditions. The team of authors examine these changes, investigating the power…

  • a sociological perspective

    In het boek wordt beschreven wat voor effect sport op het hedendaagse leven heeft. Het boek gaat in op de relatie tussen sport en andere sociale werelden. Thema’s die worden…

  • Dit boek bevat een verzameling van 16 papers betreffende het verleden, heden en toekomst van de sociologische studie van sport.

  • identities, societies, civilizations

    Modern sport has become a global phenomenon. Major sporting events like the Olympics and the World Cup are organized on a global scale and watched by millions throughout the world.…
