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18 publicaties gevonden

  • Special Eurobarometer 525

    The survey shows that 38% of Europeans play sport or exercise at least once a week or more, while 17% exercise less than once a week. Up to 45% of…

  • praktische richtsnoeren voor de ontwikkeling van projecten ter bevordering van sport en lichaamsbeweging in het kader van de Europese structuur- en investeringsfondsen (ESI-fondsen)

    In dit specifieke document met praktische richtsnoeren ligt de nadruk evenwel op het verkrijgen van ondersteuning voor projecten op basis van sport en lichaamsbeweging die erop gericht zijn economische en…

  • 2016 evaluation report

    The European Week of Sport (EWoS) is a Commission-led initiative aiming at raising awareness of the benefits of sport practice and regular physical activity. 2016 marks the second edition of…

  • schematic diagrams, Eurydice - facts and figures

    This report provides information on the structure of mainstream education in European countries from pre-primary to tertiary level for the 2016/17 school and academic year. It includes national schematic diagrams, an explanatory…

  • European Week of Sport, 2015 - Evaluation Report

    The European Week of Sport is a European Commission initiative. The first edition of the Week of Sport ran from 7 to 13 September 2015. During the months of October and…

  • sport and physical activity, report

    According to the results of the latest Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity, 59% of European Union citizens never or seldom exercise or play sport, while 41% do so…
