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6 publicaties gevonden

  • attitudes towards sport and physical activity (academic year 2017/18)

    This new analysis has identified five key findings that give us further insight into the attitudes of children and young people towards sport and physical activity. The five key findings…

  • academic year 2017/18

    This report presents data from the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey for the academic year 2017/18. Data is presented for children and young people in school Years 1-11…

  • what motivates girls aged 11 to 13 years old to stay in gymnastics?

    Previous research undertaken by British Gymnastics shows that many children drop out of the sport by age eight or nine with only 15% of total participants remaining active by the…

  • the trends affecting sporting habits and how the sport sector is both leading them and responding to them

    This report explores the trends affecting sporting habits, and how the sports sector is both driving and responding to them. Understanding and responding to these trends will help everyone in…

  • Sport benefits individuals and society. It is an important part of the national economy, contributing significantly in terms of spending, economic activity (measured using Gross Value Added) and employment. For…

  • Active Design is an innovative set of design guidelines to promote opportunities for sport and physical activity in the design and layout of development.
