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46 publicaties gevonden

  • Sport 2030 is the vision and the plan for sport and physical activity in Australia over the next 12 years to be delivered in partnership with Australia’s sporting, physical activity,…

  • Australia is known as a ‘sporting nation’ and sport is central to its cultural identity. Children’s participation in leisure activities, including sport, is considered to be of such importance that…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • report prepared for the Australian Sports Commission

    Organised sport, as one form of physical activity, provides an excellent opportunity for older adults to be active in an enjoyable setting. In addition to personal enjoyment, regular physical activity…

  • The Clearinghouse for Sport (Clearinghouse) is an Australian Sports Commission led information and knowledge sharing initiative. The Clearinghouse works to: Identify and acquire information of relevance to the Australian sport…

  • onderzoeksrapport perspectieven op de beeldvorming van voetbal in Australië in de periode 2004 tot heden

    Voetbal lijkt veel invloed te hebben op het Europese leven. Interessant is te onderzoeken hoe het beeld van voetbal in Australië zich uit. Deze scriptie biedt een overzicht van de…

  • national physical activity recommendations for children 0-5 years

    Brochure about the Australian national physical activity recommendations for children 0-5 years. These recommendations are for children who haven’t started school yet.

  • be active for life!, Australian's physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines, 5-12 years

    Australian’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines for children 5-12 years.
