De Kennisbank Sport & Bewegen bevat ruim 21.000 publicaties. Niet alleen over sport en bewegen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook over leefstijl en gezondheid. Deze Kennisbank biedt een overzicht van onderzoek, beleid en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Het gaat daarbij om sport als doel en sport als middel om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken.
389 publicaties gevonden
Deze programmagids is bedoeld als hulpmiddel voor iedereen die inzicht wil krijgen in de opzet en inhoud van het Erasmus+-programma. De specifieke doelstellingen van het programma zijn: de bevordering van…
Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the European Union Work Plan for Sport (1 July 2024…
levels of gender and ethnic/racial representation in leadership positions in European football
The representation of ethnic minority players in many national professional football leagues is larger than the ethnic diversity in the respective societies at large. However, previous research also showed that…
Europees wetenschappelijk tijdschrift over sport en de samenleving. Het tijdschrift verschijnt vier keer per jaar.
Prior research has recognised the relevance of job autonomy for workers’ leisure-time physical activity. This paper is, however, the first to assess this relationship with a cross-national focus. Apart from…
To gain first-hand insights on the developments in the European esports ecosystem, Deloitte conducted an extensive consumer survey among 12,000 people in June 2020, with 1,500 participants each from eight…
The 6th edition of the Deloitte study ‘Let’s Play! – The European esports market’ focuses on the economically sustainable development of the European esports sector. The study was based on…
The 7th edition of the Deloitte study ‘Let’s Play! – The European esports market’ focuses on the development of the European esports sector. The study is based on extensive consumer…
policies, stuctures and participation
This handbook explores the various ways in which disability sport is governed and organised across Europe, as well as examining the extent to which persons with a disability participate in…
a cross-national comparative perspective (an edited book), instructions to write a country-specific chapter
This instructions document served as a guideline for contributing authors to write a country-specific chapter for the Palgrave Handbook of Disability Sport in Europe. Policies, Structures and Participation (eds. Van…