De Kennisbank Sport & Bewegen bevat ruim 21.000 publicaties. Niet alleen over sport en bewegen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook over leefstijl en gezondheid. Deze Kennisbank biedt een overzicht van onderzoek, beleid en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Het gaat daarbij om sport als doel en sport als middel om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken.
97 publicaties gevonden
methodology and summary
To support the exchange of experiences, policy development and action in the areas of nutrition, physical activity and obesity, the WHO Regional Office has compiled profiles on the 53 countries…
study commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General Education and Culture, final report
The Study on the Contribution of Sport to Economic Growth and Employment in the European Union was carried out in 2011-2012, based on data collection in all 27 EU Member…
kwartaalbericht 2013-3
Dit drieëntwintigste kwartaalbericht van het Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven (COB) is beperkt van opzet, overeenkomstig het dit jaar begonnen ritme van grotere onderzoeken in de even kwartalen en kleinere in de…
social Europe guide, volume 4
The first chapter describes the context in which both the social economy and social entrepreneurship are situated. The second chapter is devoted to describe the core organisations that traditionally compose…
final report
The primary objective of this study is to increase understanding and knowledge in relation to data / information needs and regarding existing data gathering processes and networks (at national, transnational…
Special report on the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (reference period 2006-2012)
monitoring the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
This Special Report will provide the reader with an overview of the establishment, development, activities and achievements of the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. The report has…
final report
The aim of this report is to gather information on existing non-regulatory measures with regards to safety in outdoor leisure activities across the EU and to analyse the effectiveness of…
1966 - 1998, volume 1, legal and political texts
This publication contains four parts of adopted texts in the field of sport. Texts adopted by: the Committee of Ministers; the Conferences and Informal Meetings of European Ministers responsible for…
preparatory actions and special events 2009 - 2011
Projects described in this publication are part of the Preparatory Actions and Special Events in the field of sport implemented between 2009 and 2011 at the initiative of the European…
developing the European dimension in sport
The Communication on “Developing the European Dimension in Sport” is the first policy document of the European Commission on sport in the framework of the new Treaty. It contains proposals…