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17 publicaties gevonden

  • for infants who are not yet walking

    Factsheet met richtlijnen van lichaamsbeweging – beweegnorm – voor kinderen tot 5 jaar, die nog niet kunnen lopen. Deze richtlijnen zijn ontwikkeld door de Chief Medical Officers in Engeland, Wales,…

  • for children who are capable of walking

    Factsheet met richtlijnen van lichaamsbeweging – beweegnorm – voor kinderen tot 5 jaar, die kunnen lopen. Deze richtlijnen zijn ontwikkeld door de Chief Medical Officers in Engeland, Wales, Schotland en…

  • a report on physical activity for health from the four home countries' Chief Medical Officers

    These guidelines are issued by the four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They draw on global evidence for the health benefits people can achieve…

  • a collection of innovative approaches and promising practices by health promotion bodies in Europe to counteract obesity and improve health equity

    The document contains nearly 100 project descriptions running in 28 different European countries, from the international level to local community initiatives. A new report to demonstrate the link between health…
