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172 publicaties gevonden

  • a systematic review of barriers and facilitators

    Physical activity promotion is high on the public health policy agenda in the UK. Evidence regarding increased prevalence of obesity amongst children in the UK is mounting. Available data on…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • positive futures case study research, final report

    Evaluatieonderzoek naar het programma “positive futures”, dat vanaf 2001 in Engeland en Wales loopt. Het programma richt zich op jongeren in sociale achterstandssituaties om door middel van sport de toekomst…

  • Increasing physical activity is a key element in the treatment of individuals who are obese and in the prevention of weight regain in those who have successfully lost weight. This…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • The purpose of this review is to summarize current knowledge about the epidemiology of obesity, and to identify the major gaps that a UK partnership of academia, industry and government…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Overweight and obesity cause or exacerbate a large number of health problems, both independently and in association with other diseases, and are among the most significant contributors to ill health.

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • The UK Government has identified obesity as a priority area, as it is thought to present a serious public health problem. Although it is a highly complex multifactorial disease, it…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • a review of interventions

    Overzicht van interventies gericht op de preventie van overgewicht.

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Given the scale of the obesity epidemic and the profound implications for public health, it is essential that any strategies adopted for treatment are directed towards those at greatest risk…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift