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165 publicaties gevonden

  • newsletter July 2019

    This (last) newsletter contains a legacy of tools and publications for engaging women in practical physical activity in public spaces. The project Sports for Women in Urban Places (SWUP) aims…

  • the politics of ethnic 'other' girls and women

    This collection of essays provides insight into the realities of ethnic ‘other’ females in sport. Throughout the book, contributors either draw on the political consciousnesses of ‘other’ feminisms, or privilege…

  • girls’ football and public playgrounds in the Schilderswijk, The Hague, the Netherlands

    In Nederland gaan steeds meer meiden voetballen, zowel bij officiële clubs als in andere, meer ‘ongeorganiseerde’ sportruimten zoals speelveldjes en voetbalpleintjes. In haar proefschrift onderzoekt Kathrine van den Bogert hoe…

  • een eerste inventarisatie

    Inventarisatie waarbij op basis van literatuuronderzoek en gesprekken met stakeholders inzicht is verkregen op bestaande en gewenste kennis over sekse- en genderverschillen op het terrein van preventie. De inventarisatie heeft…

  • Gender equality is one of the founding democratic principles of the EU. However, recent studies of the Federation of Olympic Sports in Europe have shown that women occupy only fourteen…

  • an explorative study on women and outdoor sports in five European cities

    The project Sports for Women in Urban Places (SW-UP) aims at gathering evidence on why and how to better create and direct women friendly outdoor Sport and Recreational Physical Activities…

  • gender, sport and the unevenness of social change

    In just a few decades, sport has undergone a radical gender transformation. However, Cheryl Cooky and Michael A. Messner suggest that the progress toward gender equity in sports is far…

  • building erotic capital and other reasons to fitness in a possible democratizing fitness landscape

    The emergence of a fitness culture in The Netherlands marks the popularity of commercial sport. This study (master thesis) investigates the questions of whether the Dutch fitness sector becomes less…

  • IOC gender equality recommendations: overview

    This document presents the 25 IOC gender equality recommendations. The recommendations are related to sport, portrayal, funding, governance, HR, monitoring and communications.
