De Kennisbank Sport & Bewegen bevat ruim 21.000 publicaties. Niet alleen over sport en bewegen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook over leefstijl en gezondheid. Deze Kennisbank biedt een overzicht van onderzoek, beleid en ervaringen uit de praktijk. Het gaat daarbij om sport als doel en sport als middel om maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken.
49 publicaties gevonden
occupational therapy and physical activity interventions, public health guideline [PH16]
This report presents the findings of qualitative fieldwork: To evaluate the relevance and utility to practitioners and service providers (and their clients, patients or service users) of NICE draft recommendations…
a guide for practitioners
This book is the first in its field to offer practitioners a patient-centered method for changing a patient’s health behavior. Using brief, structured consultations with the client, the practitioner encourages…
Our objective was to test the effect of physicians providing brief health lifestyle counseling to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during usual care visits. We conducted a randomized controlled…
patient attitudes
Background: Long term adherence to primary care physical activity intervention is poor. This study explored attitudes and subjective experiences of those who received such an intervention. Methods: Nested qualitative study…
PACE (Physician-based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise) is an individualized theorybased minimal intervention strategy aimed at the enhancement of regular physical activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate…
Dit rapport probeert meer inzicht te krijgen in de vraag welke specifieke gezondheidsklachten naar verhouding in achterstandsgebieden meer voorkomen in vergelijking met andere wijken in Nederland en onder welke specifieke…
beweging in gedrag van patiënt en huisarts
Achtergrond: In Amsterdam Zuidoost heeft het gezondheidscentrum Venserpolder het project Big!Move opgezet om door een verandering in het zorgaanbod een proces van gezondheidsbevordering op gang te brengen. Interventie: De doelgroep…
solution-focused counseling on physical activity
Physical inactivity is a major public health problem with substantial costs to society. Canadian Family Physician has published articles discussing how physicians can counsel patients on increasing physical activity. Yet,…
cluster randomised controlled trial
Objective: To assess the long term effectiveness of the “green prescription” programme, a clinician based initiative in general practice that provides counselling on physical activity. Design: Cluster randomised controlled trial.…
Despite the clear health benefits that can be attained through adopting a more active lifestyle, most adults in industrial nations remain underactive. Faced with this epidemic, there is a growing…