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  • an ethnographic study

    Intrinsic motivation was examined in a spontaneous and natural context by observing and interviewing skateboarders as they engaged in their sport. At the same time, the flow phenomenon and its…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • results from the Netherlands’ 2016 report card on physical activity for children and youth

    Background: The Active Healthy Kids the Netherlands (AHKN) Report Card consolidates and translates research and assesses how the Netherlands is being responsible in providing physical activity (PA) opportunities for children…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • de relatie tussen ouderschapsstijl en doeloriëntaties bij jongere sporters

    In deze scriptie werd de relatie tussen ouderschapsstijl en doeloriëntaties in sport onderzocht. Vragenlijsten voor ouderschapsstijl, ouders-gecreëerd motivationeel klimaat, coachesgecreëerd motivationeel klimaat, impliciete theorieën over vaardigheid en doeloriëntaties werden afgenomen…

  • a comparative analysis

    Elite youth sport competitions have increased significantly in number in recent years, with the Youth Olympic Games representing the high point of this phenomenon. This book examines the global context…

  • what sport participation can mean for young people in poverty situations in the Netherlands

    This study attempted to empirically demonstrate whether young people living in poverty experienced lower levels of well-being. Moreover, this thesis aimed to explain the assumptions that social exclusion, objective, perceived and emotional…

  • results from the Dutch 2016 report card on physical activity for children & youth

    The aim of this Report Card was to provide an overview of the methods and results of the first Dutch Report Card. This is the English full version. You can…

  • Begin 2015 heeft de afdeling Onderzoek & Statistiek een onderzoek uitgezet onder ouders en jongeren uit de gemeente ’s-Hertogenbosch. Eén van de onderwerpen was sport en bewegen. In dit rapport…
