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101 publicaties gevonden

  • a social science perspective

    This book provides a comprehensive, critical analysis of the contemporary sporting and cultural phenomenon that is the Olympic Games. It draws on a range of social science perspectives, including sociology,…

  • the human development approach

    If a country’s Gross Domestic Product increases each year, but so does the percentage of its people deprived of basic education, health care, and other opportunities, is that country really…

  • histories, equity and experiences

    It is undeniable that association football is a global game with huge popularity. Yet what is known as ‘women’s football’ receives far less support, financial assistance, media coverage and academic…

  • een selectie uit vijftien jaar lezingen en artikelen van Paul Schnabel, 1998-2013

    In zijn tijd als directeur van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau gaf Paul Schnabel per jaar meer dan honderd lezingen over de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen. In de meeste lezingen werd…

  • Narrative research has become increasingly popular in the social sciences. While no part of the enterprise is easy, researchers often struggle to make sense of data that can seem chaotic…

  • a guide for social science students and researchers

    Qualitative research is an exciting blend of scientific investigation and creative discovery. It is a skilled craft used by practioners and researchers in the ‘real world’, as well as students…

  • This handbook marks the development of sports studies as a major new discipline within the social sciences. Edited by the leading sociologist of sport, Eric Dunning, and author of the…

  • This paper was written as part of a research project on the sociology of leisure and public policy and leisure supported by an ILEA Research Fellowship in the Department of…
