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344 publicaties gevonden

  • Dieses Buch entfaltet die anthropologische Komponente des Spielens, vermittelt didaktisch-methodische Hinweise für Eltern und Lehrende in allen Bereichen und bildet die Grundlage für die Vermittlung aller sportlichen Spiele.

  • why greater equality makes societies stronger

    It is a well-established fact that in rich societies the poor have shorter lives and suffer more from almost every social problem. The Spirit Level, based on thirty years of…

  • Hoe gaat het met Nederland en de Nederlandse bevolking? Welke ontwikkelingen hebben zich de afgelopen 12 jaar voorgedaan in de welvaart en leefsituatie van Nederlanders? Welke verschillen zijn er tussen…

  • Can sport and physical activity (PA) be used to improve the communities we live in? How do community groups manage facilities that provide sport and PA? Bringing together academics and…

  • black male holistic (under)development through sport and (mis)education

    From Exploitation Back to Empowerment addresses three major issues: (1) the under theorization of Black male athletes’ socialization processes, (2) the preponderance of deficit-based theories on Black male athletes, and…
