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344 publicaties gevonden

  • a critical pedagogical perspective

    In neighbourhoods and communities with low living conditions, it is increasingly believed that sport has the potential to reach a large number of people and that it can be used…

  • This handbook, edited by Brittain and Beacom, provides a critical assessment of contemporary issues that define the contours of the Paralympic Movement generally and the Paralympic Games more specifically. It…

  • a micro-sociological theory

    In the popular misconception fostered by blockbuster action movies and best-selling thrillers – not to mention conventional explanations by social scientists – violence is easy under certain conditions, like poverty,…

  • sport

    Sport wordt gezien als een belangrijk maatschappelijk middel: het kan zorgen voor ontmoeting, verbinding en integratie. Het kan echter ook leiden tot sociale uitsluiting. Ook zijn er geografisch gezien grote…

  • disqualifying the black athlete

    In the past decades the media and scholars have paid grander attention to College athletes committing crimes on college campuses. Particularly athletes involved in American football and basketball are constantly…

  • stijlgebonden schoolvorming in de Nederlandse sociologie na 1968

    Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog groeide de Nederlandse sociologie in betekenis. De jaren zestig gooiden echter roet in het eten. De sociologen in Nederland werden verdeeld in de mensen die vonden…
