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82 publicaties gevonden

  • capabilities, challenges, critiques

    Sport today means Big Business. Now a major global industry at the professional level, it has been commercialised beyond recognition, and especially in our all-branded zeitgeist of the Internet and…

  • beleid en onderzoek, editie 2015/2016

    Het jaar 2015/2016 was een jaar van mooie prestaties, opmerkelijke gebeurtenissen in het beleidsveld en saillante wisselingen van de wacht in het kennislandschap. Het was een jaar met twee gezichten.…

  • een case study naar de waarde van multifunctionele samenwerking in de sport binnen de context van Plangebied Sportstad Heerenveen

    ‘Samen sterker?’ richt zich op de vraag wat de opkomst van multifunctionele samenwerkingsverbanden in de sport betekent. Wat is de waarde van deze organisatievorm? Welke maatschappelijke, bestuurlijke en organisatorische ontwikkelingen…

  • a critical introduction

    This book offers an introduction to the management of sport. It draws on research expertise from around the globe and integrates these perspectives into engaging chapters. The book offers: contemporary…

  • Aspiring and praciticing sport business professionals will learn winning strategies and techniques for promoting and selling the sport product in Sport Promotion and Sales Management. In the first comprehensive book of its…

  • second edition

    As more sport management programs are incorporating sales into their curriculum, Sport Promotion and Sales Management, Second Edition, enters the field as a much-needed resource. With this text, students will prepare…

  • an inside look at sports marketing

    Keeping Score explores the multibillion dollar relationship between Corporate America and the sports industry. Packed with fact-filled case studies, this book reveals the strategies that work for the superstars of…

  • Ethics in Sport Management provides an extensive examination of moral and ethical concepts, principles, and issues in the administration and organization of sport. Ethical concerns are presented in clear introductory…

  • it's not just a game anymore

    With indepth interviews from both heavyweight sponsors and newcomers, Schaaf offers a fascinating inside view of how promoting products and services through sports sponsorship has become one of the largest…
