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186 publicaties gevonden

  • European research project 2015-2017, findings for policy makers and practitioners in England and Wales

    Drawing on findings from the research project ‘Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe’ (SIVSCE) conducted between 2015-2017, this report covers the following points: How government and sports…

  • participation, duration and social trust (INTERN)

    A central claim in Robert Putnam’s theory of social capital is that participation in voluntary organizations can foster social trust among members that are active and engaged. Based on this…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • an overview of the main similarities and differences between sports clubs in ten European countries and the potential explanations

    This report sets out to disseminate the most central information from the European research project ‘Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe’ (SIVSCE). More specifically, the report has…

  • a comparison of the affiliation, voluntary work, social integration and characteristics of members and volunteers in sports clubs across ten European countries

    The results presented in this report stem from the largest comparative study of sports clubs in Europe, the SIVSCE project. As part of the project, a questionnaire was developed and…

  • Met jaarlijks tegen de één miljoen bezoekers behoort De Vierdaagse van Nijmegen jaar in jaar uit tot de allergrootste sportevenementen van Nederland. Het is ook een van de oudste evenementen…

  • kwalitatief onderzoek naar de betekenissen die betrokkenen bij sportverenigingen geven aan de leeftijd van sportbestuurders

    Door ontwikkelingen in de samenleving die invloed hebben op de Nederlandse sportverenigingen, is het voor het voortbestaan van sportverenigingen steeds belangrijker dat sportbesturen in staat zijn om in te spelen…

  • a comparison of the structure, management, voluntary work and social integration among sports clubs across ten European countries

    The ‘Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe’ (SIVSCE) project is a collaborative partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project has been implemented…
